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Zinovy Naumov
Zinovy Naumov

Master Graph Theory with Bondy and Murty: Step-by-Step Solutions and Tips

Solution Manual of Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty: A Review

Graph theory is a fascinating and useful branch of mathematics that studies the properties and applications of graphs, which are abstract structures that represent relationships between objects. Graphs can model many real-world phenomena, such as networks, algorithms, optimization, cryptography, and more.

solution manual of graph theory by bondy and murty

One of the most popular and comprehensive textbooks on graph theory is Graph Theory with Applications by Adrian Bondy and U.S.R. Murty, first published in 1976 and revised in 2008. This book covers both the classical and modern aspects of the subject, with an emphasis on problem-solving and proof techniques. It also introduces the reader to some current research topics and open problems in graph theory.

However, as any student of mathematics knows, learning from a textbook is not enough. One needs to practice solving exercises and problems to deepen their understanding and develop their skills. That's why a solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to master this subject.

What is a Solution Manual of Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty?

A solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty is a document that contains detailed solutions or hints for some or all of the exercises and problems in the textbook. It can help the reader check their answers, learn from their mistakes, and gain insight into different methods and approaches.

There are several sources of solution manuals for graph theory by Bondy and Murty online. Some are official, such as the one provided by the authors on their website/blog at Others are unofficial, such as the one created by a student on GitHub at

However, not all solution manuals are complete or reliable. Some may contain errors or omissions, or may not follow the notation or conventions of the textbook. Therefore, it is important to use them with caution and verify them with other sources if possible.

Why Use a Solution Manual of Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty?

Using a solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty can have many benefits for students and teachers alike. Here are some of them:

  • It can help you improve your problem-solving skills by showing you different ways to tackle a problem, or by pointing out where you went wrong or missed something.

  • It can help you enhance your understanding of the concepts and theorems by illustrating them with examples and applications.

  • It can help you prepare for exams or assignments by giving you practice questions and solutions that cover the main topics and techniques.

  • It can help you explore more advanced or specialized topics by providing you with references and suggestions for further reading.

  • It can help you stimulate your curiosity and interest in graph theory by exposing you to some challenging and intriguing problems that may inspire you to do your own research.

How to Use a Solution Manual of Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty?

A solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty is not meant to replace the textbook or the teacher. It is meant to supplement them and to assist you in your learning process. Therefore, here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

  • Do not rely on it too much. Try to solve the problems on your own first, before looking at the solutions. Use it only as a last resort or as a confirmation.

  • Do not copy it blindly. Understand the logic and reasoning behind each step, and try to reproduce it in your own words. If something is unclear or confusing, ask for clarification or look for another source.

  • Do not limit yourself to it. Seek out other sources of problems and solutions, such as other textbooks, websites, forums, or peers. Compare and contrast different solutions, and try to find alternative or better ones.

  • Do not forget to enjoy it. Have fun with graph theory, and appreciate its beauty and elegance. Challenge yourself with harder problems, or create your own ones. Share your solutions with others, and learn from their feedback.


A solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty is a useful tool for anyone who wants to learn more about this fascinating subject. It can help you improve your skills, understanding, preparation, exploration, and enjoyment of graph theory. However, it should be used wisely and responsibly, as a complement to the textbook and the teacher, not as a substitute for them.

Where to Find a Solution Manual of Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty?

If you are looking for a solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty, you have several options to choose from. You can buy a hard copy or an e-book from online retailers, such as Amazon or Springer. You can also access some parts of the solution manual for free on the authors' website/blog, where they also post updates and corrections. Alternatively, you can download an unofficial solution manual from GitHub, which is created and maintained by a student who studied the textbook.

However, before you decide to use any of these sources, you should be aware of their advantages and disadvantages. For example, buying a hard copy or an e-book may be costly and inconvenient, while accessing the free parts may be limited and incomplete. Downloading an unofficial solution manual may be risky and unreliable, as it may contain errors or plagiarism. Therefore, you should weigh your options carefully and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences best.

How to Cite a Solution Manual of Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty?

If you are using a solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty for your academic or professional work, you should cite it properly according to the style guide of your discipline or institution. Citing your sources is important to give credit to the original authors, to avoid plagiarism, and to enable your readers to verify and locate your references.

There are different citation styles that you can use, such as APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard. Each style has its own rules and formats for citing books, websites, blogs, or other sources. You should follow the guidelines of your style guide carefully and consistently throughout your work. Here are some examples of how to cite a solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty in different styles:

  • APA: Bondy, A., & Murty, U.S.R. (2008). Graph theory. London: Springer-Verlag.

  • MLA: Bondy, Adrian, and U.S.R. Murty. Graph Theory. Springer-Verlag, 2008.

  • Chicago: Bondy, Adrian, and U.S.R. Murty. 2008. Graph Theory. London: Springer-Verlag.

  • Harvard: Bondy, A. and Murty, U.S.R., 2008. Graph theory. London: Springer-Verlag.

What are the Benefits of Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty?

Graph theory by Bondy and Murty is not only a textbook, but also a source of inspiration and knowledge for anyone interested in graph theory. It offers many benefits for students, teachers, researchers, and practitioners of mathematics and computer science. Here are some of them:

  • It covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of graph theory to the latest developments and applications. It provides a balanced and comprehensive overview of the subject, with enough depth and rigor to satisfy the most demanding readers.

  • It presents a clear and elegant exposition of the theory of graphs, with an emphasis on intuition and aesthetics. It uses simple and consistent notation, illustrative examples, informative diagrams, and concise proofs.

  • It contains a rich collection of exercises and problems, ranging from easy to hard, from routine to original. It challenges the reader to apply their knowledge, test their understanding, and discover new results.

  • It introduces the reader to some of the most active and fascinating areas of research in graph theory, such as extremal graph theory, random graphs, graph minors, graph coloring, graph algorithms, and more. It also discusses some of the most famous and important open problems in graph theory, such as the four color theorem, the ErdősPósa theorem, the Hadwiger conjecture, and more.

  • It connects graph theory with other branches of mathematics and computer science, such as combinatorics, geometry, algebra, topology, complexity theory, cryptography, optimization, and more. It shows how graph theory can be used to model and solve various problems in these fields.

How to Study Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty?

Graph theory by Bondy and Murty is a comprehensive and challenging textbook that requires a good background in mathematics and logic. It is not a book that can be read casually or superficially. It demands a serious and dedicated study from the reader. Here are some tips on how to study it effectively:

  • Read it carefully and actively. Pay attention to every definition, theorem, proof, example, remark, and exercise. Try to understand the main ideas and concepts behind each statement or argument. Ask yourself questions and look for answers.

  • Do not skip any section or exercise. Every section builds on the previous ones, and every exercise reinforces or extends the material covered in the text. Skipping any part may cause you to miss important information or insights.

  • Review it regularly and thoroughly. Graph theory is a vast and complex subject that requires constant revision and consolidation. Reviewing the material will help you remember it better and make connections between different topics.

  • Practice it constantly and creatively. Graph theory is a subject that can be learned best by doing. Practicing the exercises and problems will help you improve your skills and confidence. Creating your own problems will help you deepen your understanding and imagination.

  • Discuss it with others and learn from them. Graph theory is a subject that can be enjoyed more by sharing it with others. Discussing the material with your classmates, teachers, or peers will help you clarify your doubts, exchange ideas, learn new perspectives, and have fun.


Graph theory by Bondy and Murty is a classic and authoritative textbook that covers both the theory and the applications of graphs. It is suitable for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics and computer science, as well as for anyone who wants to learn more about this fascinating subject. It is also a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners of graph theory and related fields.

A solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty is a helpful companion that provides solutions or hints for some or all of the exercises and problems in the textbook. It can assist the reader in checking their answers, learning from their mistakes, gaining insight into different methods and approaches, preparing for exams or assignments, exploring more advanced or specialized topics, and stimulating their curiosity and interest in graph theory.

However, a solution manual of graph theory by Bondy and Murty is not a substitute for the textbook or the teacher. It is a supplement that should be used wisely and responsibly, as a complement to the textbook and the teacher, not as a replacement for them. The reader should try to solve the problems on their own first, before looking at the solutions. They should also seek out other sources of problems and solutions, such as other textbooks, websites, forums, or peers. They should also cite their sources properly according to the style guide of their discipline or institution.

Graph theory by Bondy and Murty is a book that can enrich your knowledge, skills, understanding, preparation, exploration, and enjoyment of graph theory. It is a book that can inspire you to do your own research and discover new results. It is a book that can make you appreciate the beauty and elegance of graphs. ca3e7ad8fd

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